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Geoscience » Play Fairway Analyses Atlases 2010–Present

Greater North Atlantic Liassic Petroleum Systems Synthesis

October 2019 – February 2020

In the absence of definitive, direct evidence for a Liassic (i.e. Lower Jurassic) petroleum system offshore Nova Scotia, information is required on source rock analogs around the greater North Atlantic region.

Developing Enhanced Marine Operations (DEMO) in High Flow Tidal Environments

October 2017 – October 2019

Conventional subsea remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) perform poorly in currents exceeding 1.5 m/s. This is a key operating limitation in the success and cost of marine operations in the Bay of Fundy, where current speeds reach 5 m/s.

Acceleration/Particle Velocity (PA/PV) Measurement System Evaluation in a Tidal Environment

February 2017 – December 2018

The objective of this project was designing and running a field experiment to test the performance of the Particle Acceleration/Particle Velocity (PA/PV) vector sensor.

Assessing Corrosion, Wear, Fatigue and VIV on Moorings and Cabling to Reduce Risk in Marine Operations

October 2017 – August 2018

The cost of cabling and moorings over the entire life of a tidal energy project is a significant proportion of total project expenditures and the potential failure of these components remains a major risk for the emerging tidal energy sector.

FORCE Site Marine Operations – Lessons Learned

November 2017 – April 2018

In recent years, marine operators have completed dozens of operations in the Minas Passage, from research surveys to instrument deployment, to the installation of electrical infrastructure to turbine deployment.

Nova Scotia Energy Sector – Targeted Export Market Analysis

February – October 2017

As part of Nova Scotia Department of Energy and Mines’ (NSDEM) mandate to investigate economic opportunities for Nova Scotia technology developers and supply chain service providers, a global energy market analysis was commissioned.

Geoscience » Play Fairway Analyses Atlases 2010–Present

Sydney Basin Play Fairway Analysis Atlas (2017)

July 2017

The objectives of this Play Fairway Analysis are to build a detailed and comprehensive understanding of the petroleum systems of the Sydney Basin and provide a resource evaluation based on the petroleum systems assessment.  The study concludes there is an effective petroleum system charged by mai

FORCE Data Management System/User Interface

April – June 2017

This project defined a Data Management System (DMS) and user interface solution for use by FORCE.

Impact of Channel Blockage on the Performance of Axial and Cross-Flow Hydrokinetic Turbines

April 2017

This work investigates the effect of channel blockage on how axial and cross-flow turbines perform. The objective is to fill a gap in the literature on suitable blockage corrections for cross-flow turbines.

Geoscience » Seismic & Marine Sound

Physics of the Interaction between a Crab and a Seismic Test Pulse – Development of a Mathematical Model and Testing of Model via Simulation

June 2009 – September 2011

Experimental attempts to establish whether seismic testing has any impact on crabs and the crab fishery have been hampered by a lack of theoretical work on the subject.