Research Portal

Displaying 21 – 30 of 33 results


Geoscience » Tectonics and Crustal Structure

Advanced Analyses of the MIRROR-1 OBS Profile from Offshore Morocco

July 2017 – April 2019

This project completes an analysis of the OETR and OCTOPUS seismic lines collected from offshore Nova Scotia and integrates the MIRROR I refraction line from offshore Morocco to allow comparison of the conjugate margins using wide-angle refraction/reflection ocean bottom seismometer profiles.

Quantifying Demographics and Monitoring Movement of American Lobster in the Minas Passage and Basin

October 2017 – March 2019

The project consists of lobster fishing in Minas Passage during the fall lobster season to collect, assess and tag lobsters in this area, then fishing in Minas Basin from April to May to assess the spawning characteristics of lobster tagged the previous fall, then returning to Minas Passage to fi

Real-Time, Targeted Imaging of Turbine-Marine Life Interactions

March 2017 – February 2019

The research goal is to redesign and validate a dynamic mount to improve targeted real-time imaging of marine life in the near-field zone of a tidal turbine. The adjustable mount will enable imaging sensors to be aimed directly facing the tidal turbine.

Geoscience » Georges Bank Research & Data

Georges Bank Research & Data

January 2019

Georges Bank is a large submarine bank (250km by 150km – 40,000 km2) located at the edge of the Atlantic continental shelf between Cape Cod and Nova Scotia.

Investigation of the Vertical Distribution, Movement and Abundance of Fish in the Vicinity of Proposed Tidal Power Energy Conversion Devices

March 2010 – December 2014

This project studied active fish avoidance of a turbine using the Coda Octopus Echoscope II 3-D multi-beam sonar mounted on a bottom platform. The objective was to observe and quantify the distribution and abundance of fish in the water column and their ability to detect and avoid turbines. 

Testing of Temporal Monitoring Techniques for Benthic Habitat Impacts of Tidal Energy Developments

September 2011 – November 2014

This project tested and developed monitoring procedures for assessing the impact of the placement of in-stream tidal devices (e.g. turbines, cables and other seafloor hardware) on the seafloor environment.

Implications of Tidal Energy Extraction on Sedimentary Processes within Shallow Intertidal Environments

September 2011 – April 2014

This project assessed the implications of tidal energy extraction on sedimentary processes within shallow inter-tidal ecosystems.

Atlantic Sturgeon Spatial and Temporal Distribution in Minas Passage, Nova Scotia, Canada, a Region of Future Tidal Energy Extraction

January 2010 – January 2014

In the Bay of Fundy, Atlantic sturgeon from endangered and threatened populations in the USA and Canada migrate through Minas Passage to enter and leave Minas Basin.

Tidal Energy: Strategic Environmental Assessment – Bay of Fundy Update (Phase II)

January 2014

This is an update to the Phase 1 Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of marine renewable energy in the Bay of Fundy, with an emphasis on tidal in‐stream turbines.

Marine Renewable Energy: Background Report To Support a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for the Cape Breton Coastal Region, inclusive of the Bras D’Or Lakes

June – December 2012

In 2011 following a competitive request for proposal process, OERA commissioned AECOM’s Halifax office to undertake a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for marine renewable energy in Cape Breton.