Research Portal

Displaying 61 – 65 of 65 results


On-line Interactive GIS Map Platform: An Enabling Initiative for the Emerging Tidal Energy Industry

April 2015 – April 2016

A proof-of-concept Geographic Information System (GIS) platform was developed aiming at building a decision-making tool that integrates complex spatial information of importance to the tidal energy industry while also being scalable, flexible and accessible.  The platform was built on open source

Characterizing Tidal Flows and Turbine Power Production in Petit Passage using Oceanographic and CFD Models

September 2015 – March 2016

The goal of this project was to identify potential turbine deployment locations in Petit Passage Nova Scotia, using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and finite volume coastal ocean models (FVCOM).

Spectral and Structure Function Estimates of Turbulence Dissipation Rates in a High Flow Tidal Channel Using Broadband ADCPs

January 2016

Spectral and structure function methods are implemented to compute the dissipation rate, ε, from broadband, diverging-beam, acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) data collected at four sites in a high-flow tidal channel.

Mi’kmaq Ecological Knowledge Study (Phase 1)

August 2009

A Mi’kmaq Ecological Knowledge Study (MEKS) was conducted by Membertou Geomatics Consultants on the Minas Channel area of the Bay of Fundy. This is a comprehensive body of knowledge documenting the collective ecological knowledge held by the Mi’kmaq people.

Nova Scotia Tidal In-Stream Energy Conversion (TISEC): Survey and Characterization of Potential Project Sites

October 2006

This study produced system designs for in-stream tidal energy devices, performance estimates, cost estimates and economic assessments for one site/device per state/province.