Research Portal

Displaying 1 – 10 of 26 results


The Vectron2 Project: Turbulence Measurements for the In-stream Tidal Energy Industry

March 2019 – November 2021

The Vectron is a new sensor used for measuring turbulence velocity within a tidal turbine’s swept area.  The Vectron has been successfully prototyped, where next steps are to take the technology to the ‘industry-ready’ stage of development and the focus of this project.

How Does Sound Travel in High Energy Environments? Effectiveness of Acoustic Monitoring Systems and Turbine Audibility Assessment

April 2017 – December 2020

The researchers are designing and implementing a long-term acoustic monitoring program to support tidal energy development in the Bay of Fundy. Specialized acoustic instrumentation was deployed for a two-month period in Grand Passage to advance understanding how turbulence affects the ability to

Reducing Costs of Tidal Energy through a Comprehensive Characterization of Turbulence in Minas Passage

October 2017 – March 2020

Turbulence is a significant issue at every site being considered for in-stream tidal energy development.

Multi-Scale Turbulence Measurement in the Aquatron Laboratory

July 2018 – July 2019

This project has two primary objectives - to characterize the flow and turbulence in the Aquatron facility pool tank using turbulence sensors calibrated against a traceable standard; and to test technologies for investigating the horizontal variability of turbulence in real-world tidal channels.

Remote Acoustic Measurements of Turbulence in High-Flow Tidal Channels during High Wave Conditions

April 2018 – April 2019

Many of the high-flow tidal channels targeted for worldwide in-stream hydro-electric development are impacted by surface gravity waves incident from a large exterior basin (e.g. the Bay of Fundy/Gulf of Maine/North Atlantic).

Geoscience » Tectonics and Crustal Structure

Advanced Analyses of the MIRROR-1 OBS Profile from Offshore Morocco

July 2017 – April 2019

This project completes an analysis of the OETR and OCTOPUS seismic lines collected from offshore Nova Scotia and integrates the MIRROR I refraction line from offshore Morocco to allow comparison of the conjugate margins using wide-angle refraction/reflection ocean bottom seismometer profiles.

Turbine Wake Characterization

November 2017 – March 2019

Turbine wake characterization is a key endeavour to the development of in-stream tidal turbine arrays.  In a sense, a turbine’s footprint includes its wake, wherein flow speeds are less and turbulence is elevated compared to the ambient surroundings.  It is thus desired to not just delineate wake

Geoscience » Georges Bank Research & Data

Georges Bank Research & Data

January 2019

Georges Bank is a large submarine bank (250km by 150km – 40,000 km2) located at the edge of the Atlantic continental shelf between Cape Cod and Nova Scotia.

Going with the Flow II: Using Drifters to Address Uncertainties in the Spatial Variation of Tidal Flows

October 2017 – June 2018

Drifters are one of the oldest, simplest and most reliable methods for measuring ocean currents. Drifters also provide a simple, low risk platform from which to gather acoustic information along flow streamlines or ‘drift tracks’.

Turbulence Dissipation Rates from Horizontal Velocity Profiles at Mid-Depth in Fast Tidal Flows

December 2017

This study characterizes the turbulence in a tidal channel in the Bay of Fundy that has been identified for development as a tidal power resource.