Research Portal

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Geoscience » Source Rock & Depositional Environment

Central Atlantic Paleo-Oceans and Climates (CAPOC) (part of the PAGEO research program)

December 2020 – December 2022

CAPOC aims to develop the first integrated and high resolution biostratigraphic and isotopic proxy correlation for key intervals of the Jurassic/Cretaceous across the Central Atlantic conjugate margin.

Geoscience » Source Rock & Depositional Environment

Palaeobathymetry and Tectonic Evolution of Lower Jurassic Source Rocks of the Conjugate Nova Scotia-Moroccan Margins (part of the PAGEO research program)

December 2020 – July 2022

This project will address key questions related to the formation processes, structure and subsidence history of the Nova Scotia rifted margin, which are relevant to constrain the Upper Triassic to Jurassic palaeogeography and petroleum systems offshore Nova Scotia.

Geoscience » Source Rock & Depositional Environment

A Spatiotemporal Analysis of Paleobiogeographic Data to Constrain the Timing of Oceanic Connections between the Atlantic, Tethyan, and Pacific domains (part of the PAGEO research program)

November 2020 – May 2022

This project is based on a large-scale collection of previously generated Jurassic and Early Cretaceous nannofossil biostratigraphic data and aims to apply both traditional micropaleontological methods and modern data science methodologies to the in-depth analysis of that large dataset.

How Does Sound Travel in High Energy Environments? Effectiveness of Acoustic Monitoring Systems and Turbine Audibility Assessment

April 2017 – December 2020

The researchers are designing and implementing a long-term acoustic monitoring program to support tidal energy development in the Bay of Fundy. Specialized acoustic instrumentation was deployed for a two-month period in Grand Passage to advance understanding how turbulence affects the ability to

Geoscience » Tectonics and Crustal Structure

Paleogeographic Reconstruction and Source Rock De-Risking, Offshore Nova Scotia

February – November 2020

In this project GeoArctic modeled the tectonic evolution of the northern Central Atlantic to re-evaluate the syn-rift and early post-rift geological context of sedimentary basin formation.

Valuation Method for Electric Ancillary Services

May – September 2020

The objective of this project is to define a new, enhanced power purchase agreement (PPA) for use by NSPI or an independent procurement administrator when contracting with Independent (e.g., renewable) Power Producers (IPPs).

Analysis Framework for Long-Term and Cumulative Effects Monitoring

October 2018 – September 2020

This project created a framework for testing in-stream tidal turbine effects on specific marine species populations. The framework provides the basis for future assessment of far-field and cumulative environmental effects.

Modeling of Electric Boats as Energy Storage

July 2018 – September 2020

Electric boats have the potential to act as “energy storage wrapped in a boat”.

Geoscience » Source Rock & Depositional Environment

Predictive Modeling of Sandstone Reservoir Distribution in the SW Scotian Basin

March 2018 – April 2020

The SW Scotian Basin is considered an under-explored passive margin sedimentary basin, however, it is also the most probable location to find oil on the Scotian Margin.

Reducing Costs of Tidal Energy through a Comprehensive Characterization of Turbulence in Minas Passage

October 2017 – March 2020

Turbulence is a significant issue at every site being considered for in-stream tidal energy development.