Research Portal

Displaying 1 – 10 of 19 results


The Vectron2 Project: Turbulence Measurements for the In-stream Tidal Energy Industry

March 2019 – November 2021

The Vectron is a new sensor used for measuring turbulence velocity within a tidal turbine’s swept area.  The Vectron has been successfully prototyped, where next steps are to take the technology to the ‘industry-ready’ stage of development and the focus of this project.

Real-Time Detection of Marine Mammals in High Flow Environments

May 2019 – September 2021

The project research goal is to design and test an innovative acoustic sensor system that will feature a wireless magneto-inductive (MI) communications link – to alert users in real time of the presence and location of marine mammals in high noise tidal environments.  The research entails a field

Participation in the Pathway Program through Development of the Platform and Cabling Solution

February 2020 – September 2021

The Pathway Program - Cable & Platform Development / Sensor Integration

The Pathway Program: Validating reliable environmental monitoring for ocean energy projects

April 2019 – October 2021

OERA created The Pathway Program to solve a critical problem impeding the in-stream tidal energy industry: a lack of reliable and validated technologies and methods to monitor and report fish-turbine interactions in high-flow, highly turbulent environments, leading to regulatory uncertainty and i

Environmental Monitoring System Development

November 2019 – April 2021

The Pathway Program - Technology Validation: Echosouders & Passive Acoustic Monitoring Device

Assessment of Clean Growth Opportunities in Nova Scotia

December 2020 – March 2021

Under the Sustainable Development Goals Act, Nova Scotia has legislated a net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emission economy by 2050. To achieve this important milestone a portfolio of decarbonization strategies will be adopted by the private and public sectors.

Turbulence Dissipation Rates from Horizontal Velocity Profiles at Mid-Depth in Fast Tidal Flows

December 2017

This study characterizes the turbulence in a tidal channel in the Bay of Fundy that has been identified for development as a tidal power resource.

Finite Element Analysis to Assess Fish Mortality from Interactions with Tidal Turbine Blades

February – December 2017

The research project used finite element analysis (FEA) to simulate the impact of a tidal turbine blade on fish, and assess whether mortality of marine life can be expected in such an event.

Nova Scotia Energy Sector – Targeted Export Market Analysis

February – October 2017

As part of Nova Scotia Department of Energy and Mines’ (NSDEM) mandate to investigate economic opportunities for Nova Scotia technology developers and supply chain service providers, a global energy market analysis was commissioned.