Research Portal

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Geoscience » Source Rock & Depositional Environment

Tracking Mesozoic Paleoclimate Events on the Nova Scotia Margin: Integrating Biostratigraphic Legacy Data with New Stable Carbon Isotope Analyses (part of the PAGEO research program)

November 2020 – November 2021

This study will obtain empirical evidence for climatic perturbations and regional changes in oceanic circulation patterns by (1) acquiring an extensive dataset of stable isotope measurements from key wells located in the area of interest, (2) integrating these measurements with existing quantitat

Geoscience » Source Rock & Depositional Environment

Analysis of Palaeoenvironment, Palaeoclimate and Palaeooceanographic Models to Predict Distribution of Source Rocks Offshore Nova Scotia (part of the PAGEO research program)

November 2020 – June 2021

The objective of this work is to predict the distribution of Tithonian and early Jurassic (Toarcian, Pliensbachian, Sinemurian, Hettangian) source rocks based on biogeographic principles derived from modern environments, and palaeoenvironmental interpretations derived from palaeogeographic mappin

Net-Zero Future: A Feasibility Study of Hydrogen Production, Storage, Distribution and Use in The Maritimes - NL Extension

January – March 2021

This study investigated what role hydrogen can play in Newfoundland and Labrador’s future energy system.

Geoscience » Source Rock & Depositional Environment

Microbial Genomics for De-Risking Offshore Oil and Gas Exploration in Nova Scotia

April 2016 – March 2021

The purpose of this $6.5M project is to develop, validate and deploy different genomics-based bioassay tools for offshore prospecting on the Scotian Slope.

Geoscience » Source Rock & Depositional Environment

Sequence stratigraphy, titania diagenesis and relationship to petroleum systems modeling

October 2018 – January 2021

This project examines different forms of titania (TiO2) minerals to confirm the relationship between late diagenetic titania (i.e., titania minerals transformed under the heat and pressure of sedimentary processes) and hydrocarbon migration and thus assess the use of titania polymorphs as “pathfi

Geoscience » Source Rock & Depositional Environment

Direct Hydrocarbon Indicator (DHI) Mapping, Offshore Nova Scotia

January – May 2016

This project reviewed existing seismic data to identify and catalogue Direct Hydrocarbon Indicators (DHIs) in offshore Nova Scotia, particularly in the Laurentian and Georges Bank Sub-basins.

Southwest Nova Scotia Tidal Energy Resource Assessment

June 2013

This is an assessment of the in-stream tidal resources in Southwest Nova Scotia consisting of Shelburne, Yarmouth and Digby Counties.

Marine Renewable Energy: Background Report To Support a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for the Cape Breton Coastal Region, inclusive of the Bras D’Or Lakes

June – December 2012

In 2011 following a competitive request for proposal process, OERA commissioned AECOM’s Halifax office to undertake a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for marine renewable energy in Cape Breton.

Cape Breton Tidal Energy Resource Assessment

November 2011 – October 2012

In support of the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for the Cape Breton Region, inclusive of the Bras d’Or Lakes, Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) units were deployed at Barra Strait, Seal Island Bridge and Carey Point to collect tidal flow information.  Potential sites for tidal e

Geoscience » Source Rock & Depositional Environment

River Sources & Sand Transfer to the Deepwater Lower Cretaceous Scotian Basin

August 2007 – August 2010

This project aims to define the distribution systems for sand and help industry explorers refine their exploration targets and better understand the quality of underground petroleum reservoirs.