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Geoscience » Play Fairway Analyses Atlases 2010–Present

Greater North Atlantic Liassic Petroleum Systems Synthesis

October 2019 – February 2020

In the absence of definitive, direct evidence for a Liassic (i.e. Lower Jurassic) petroleum system offshore Nova Scotia, information is required on source rock analogs around the greater North Atlantic region.

Geoscience » Play Fairway Analyses Atlases 2010–Present

Shelburne Sub-Basin Play Fairway Analysis Update

November 2018 – June 2019

Shortly after the Scotian Shelf and Slope Play Fairway Analysis (PFA) was released in 2011, Shell Canada acquired six exploration parcels in the Shelburne Subbasin and collected approximately 10,850 square kilometers of wide azimuth 3D seismic data.

Geoscience » Georges Bank Research & Data

Georges Bank Research & Data

January 2019

Georges Bank is a large submarine bank (250km by 150km – 40,000 km2) located at the edge of the Atlantic continental shelf between Cape Cod and Nova Scotia.

Geoscience » Play Fairway Analyses Atlases 2010–Present

Laurentian Sub-Basin Atlas (2014)

January – December 2014

This project assesses the petroleum system of the Laurentian sub-basin bidding block and surrounding areas.

Scoping Study on Socio-Economic Impacts of Tidal Energy Development in Nova Scotia: A Research Synthesis & Priorities for Future Action

November 2011 – January 2012

This scoping study highlights many socio-economic issues related to in-stream tidal energy development and discusses best practices, case studies and tools developed to facilitate positive socio-economic benefits and community development.

Geoscience » Seismic & Marine Sound

Physics of the Interaction between a Crab and a Seismic Test Pulse – Development of a Mathematical Model and Testing of Model via Simulation

June 2009 – September 2011

Experimental attempts to establish whether seismic testing has any impact on crabs and the crab fishery have been hampered by a lack of theoretical work on the subject.

Geoscience » Seismic & Marine Sound

Feasibility of a Marine Vibroseis System to Minimize Potential Impacts of Seismic Surveying on Commercial Marine Invertebrates

May 2010 – May 2011

Marine vibroseis (a sound generating system that uses a large oscillating mass to emit a range of frequencies) offers an alternative to air-gun seismic sources and may have fewer environmental effects on marine biota.

Geoscience » Play Fairway Analyses Atlases 2010–Present

Play Fairway Analysis Atlas

January 2011

The original Play Fairway Analysis completed in 2011 identified rich hydrocarbon potential offshore Nova Scotia, with unrisked 120TCF of gas and 8Bbbls of oil in place. This potential has diverse characteristics and scales, which are described in detail in the Atlas.