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Geoscience » Play Fairway Analyses Atlases 2010–Present

Sydney Basin Play Fairway Analysis Atlas (2017)

July 2017

The objectives of this Play Fairway Analysis are to build a detailed and comprehensive understanding of the petroleum systems of the Sydney Basin and provide a resource evaluation based on the petroleum systems assessment.  The study concludes there is an effective petroleum system charged by mai

Geoscience » Play Fairway Analyses Atlases 2010–Present

Laurentian Sub-Basin Atlas (2014)

January – December 2014

This project assesses the petroleum system of the Laurentian sub-basin bidding block and surrounding areas.

Mi’kmaq Ecological Knowledge Study (Phase 2)

May 2012

A second Mi’kmaq Ecological Knowledge Study was carried out prior to potential marine renewable energy development in the Brier and Long islands area of the Bay of Fundy, including Grand Passage and Petite Passage.