Development of Marginal Fields in Offshore Nova Scotia – Phase 1 & 2

The reduction in cost of a marginal development is largely attributed to the potential reduction in size of the offshore installation. These types of installations are referred to as ‘minimal platforms’. Minimal platforms may reduce the cost of the facility in a number of ways, including reduction in steel weight; simplified fabrication methods; and elimination of Heavy Lift Vessels. Phase 1 focused on investigating the known types of minimal platforms and their suitability for use in the harsh environment offshore Nova Scotia. Phase 2 of this study used the Phase 1 minimal platforms, in concert with production studies, operational and fabrication requirements, and a collection of both existing infrastructure and potentially new infrastructure, to determine the cost impact of developing the Nova Scotia marginal fields. A cost estimation tool, the Sable Offshore Minimum Infrastructure Tool (SOMIT), was developed to provide an estimate of the cost of infrastructure required to develop the marginal subsea distribution assemblies in the Nova Scotian Offshore.


Principal Investigator: Dr. Cameron Dunn, Martec Limited

June 2009 – June 2010