Research Portal

Displaying 11 – 15 of 15 results


Geoscience » Tectonics and Crustal Structure

Paleogeographic Reconstruction and Source Rock De-Risking, Offshore Nova Scotia

February – November 2020

In this project GeoArctic modeled the tectonic evolution of the northern Central Atlantic to re-evaluate the syn-rift and early post-rift geological context of sedimentary basin formation.

Geoscience » Source Rock & Depositional Environment

Predictive Modelling of Sandstone Reservoir Quality in the Scotian Basin

May 2016 – December 2018

This project uses existing knowledge of inferred drainage basin areas and paleoclimate to model multiple river inputs to the Scotian Basin. The modelled sedimentary succession is compared with actual sediment thicknesses in the basin.

Geoscience » Spill Preparedness

Advanced Coastal Mapping to Support Hydrodynamic Modelling

April 2016 – June 2018

Nova Scotia’s Atlantic coast exhibits a variety of shorelines that may be vulnerable to contamination in the event of an offshore oil spill. In turn, variable currents, changing water levels, shoals, and exposed seaside conditions make effective spill response difficult for tidal inlets.

Advancing Tidal Energy Turbine Operations through High Fidelity Tug Propulsion and Control Simulation Software

November 2016 – March 2017

The project objective was to develop a numerical model of a tug boat and its propulsion system to accurately predict its dynamic behaviour in turbulent tidal flows.

Geoscience » Source Rock & Depositional Environment

Sydney Basin and Nova Scotia Forensic Geochemistry

May 2016 – March 2017

Sydney Basin and Nova Scotia Forensic Geochemistry