Research Portal

Displaying 21 – 30 of 40 results


Quantifying Demographics and Monitoring Movement of American Lobster in the Minas Passage and Basin

October 2017 – March 2019

The project consists of lobster fishing in Minas Passage during the fall lobster season to collect, assess and tag lobsters in this area, then fishing in Minas Basin from April to May to assess the spawning characteristics of lobster tagged the previous fall, then returning to Minas Passage to fi

Real-Time, Targeted Imaging of Turbine-Marine Life Interactions

March 2017 – February 2019

The research goal is to redesign and validate a dynamic mount to improve targeted real-time imaging of marine life in the near-field zone of a tidal turbine. The adjustable mount will enable imaging sensors to be aimed directly facing the tidal turbine.

Geoscience » Georges Bank Research & Data

Georges Bank Research & Data

January 2019

Georges Bank is a large submarine bank (250km by 150km – 40,000 km2) located at the edge of the Atlantic continental shelf between Cape Cod and Nova Scotia.

Finite Element Analysis to Assess Fish Mortality from Interactions with Tidal Turbine Blades

February – December 2017

The research project used finite element analysis (FEA) to simulate the impact of a tidal turbine blade on fish, and assess whether mortality of marine life can be expected in such an event.

Nova Scotia Energy Sector – Targeted Export Market Analysis

February – October 2017

As part of Nova Scotia Department of Energy and Mines’ (NSDEM) mandate to investigate economic opportunities for Nova Scotia technology developers and supply chain service providers, a global energy market analysis was commissioned.

Geoscience » Source Rock & Depositional Environment

Mid Cretaceous Sand Supply to Offshore SW Nova Scotia: Tectonic Diversion of Labrador Rivers during Naskapi Member Deposition

September 2015 – September 2017

This study tests the hypothesis that tectonic diversion of Labrador rivers during the Aptian resulted in sand supply through the Bay of Fundy to the Shelburne sub-basin, allowing shales to accumulate farther east in the Scotian Basin.

Geoscience » Source Rock & Depositional Environment

Source Rock and Geochemistry of the Central Atlantic Margins

September 2014 – August 2017

This project evaluates known, probable and possible source rocks in the Nova Scotia shelf and deep water offshore areas with an emphasis On the Triassic– Jurassic time interval.

Tidal Turbine Marine Life Interaction Study: Fish

May 2016 – May 2017

This study at Dalhousie University’s Aquatron test tank monitored the behaviour of striped bass in the presence of an active tidal turbine.  The research drew on expertise and experience from different parts of Canada and Europe over a one year project period.

Use of Bottom-Mounted Hydro-Acoustic Sonar to Assess Fish Presence and Vertical Distribution at the FORCE In-Stream Tidal Turbine Test Site in Minas Passage

May 2016 – April 2017

To better understand fish use of the Fundy Ocean Research Center for Energy (FORCE) site and their potential for interaction with in-stream tidal devices, this study examined how fish density and vertical distribution varied with respect to environmental factors, in particular tidal stage and tim

Marine Fish Monitoring Program Tidal Energy Demonstration Site – Minas Passage

May 2016 – March 2017

This is the final report submitted to the Fundy Ocean Research Center on Energy (FORCE) for the Marine Fish Monitoring Program Tidal Energy Demonstration Site – Minas Passage.