Research Portal

Displaying 1 – 8 of 8 results


Developing Enhanced Marine Operations (DEMO) in High Flow Tidal Environments

October 2017 – October 2019

Conventional subsea remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) perform poorly in currents exceeding 1.5 m/s. This is a key operating limitation in the success and cost of marine operations in the Bay of Fundy, where current speeds reach 5 m/s.

Geoscience » Source Rock & Depositional Environment

2018 Nova Scotia-Morocco Conjugate Geochemistry Project

May 2017 – June 2019

The objective of this project is to examine geochemical data from offshore and onshore Morocco to determine the presence and characteristics of effective Jurassic oil-prone source rocks.

Geoscience » Source Rock & Depositional Environment

Attenuation of Petroleum Generation Characteristics by the Sulfurization of Organic Matter in Westphaflan Carboniferous Lacustrine Source Rocks (A Geochemical Study of Potential Marine Incursions)

October 2017 – May 2019

This project creates geochemical diagnostic tools that can be applied to potential source rocks of differing ages in the Maritimes Basin. These tools help build a more accurate interpretation of the evolution of the basin.

Geoscience » Source Rock & Depositional Environment

Mid Cretaceous Sand Supply to Offshore SW Nova Scotia: Tectonic Diversion of Labrador Rivers during Naskapi Member Deposition

September 2015 – September 2017

This study tests the hypothesis that tectonic diversion of Labrador rivers during the Aptian resulted in sand supply through the Bay of Fundy to the Shelburne sub-basin, allowing shales to accumulate farther east in the Scotian Basin.

FORCE Data Management System/User Interface

April – June 2017

This project defined a Data Management System (DMS) and user interface solution for use by FORCE.

Impact of Channel Blockage on the Performance of Axial and Cross-Flow Hydrokinetic Turbines

April 2017

This work investigates the effect of channel blockage on how axial and cross-flow turbines perform. The objective is to fill a gap in the literature on suitable blockage corrections for cross-flow turbines.

Geoscience » Seismic & Marine Sound

Physics of the Interaction between a Crab and a Seismic Test Pulse – Development of a Mathematical Model and Testing of Model via Simulation

June 2009 – September 2011

Experimental attempts to establish whether seismic testing has any impact on crabs and the crab fishery have been hampered by a lack of theoretical work on the subject.

Geoscience » Seismic & Marine Sound

Feasibility of a Marine Vibroseis System to Minimize Potential Impacts of Seismic Surveying on Commercial Marine Invertebrates

May 2010 – May 2011

Marine vibroseis (a sound generating system that uses a large oscillating mass to emit a range of frequencies) offers an alternative to air-gun seismic sources and may have fewer environmental effects on marine biota.