Research Portal

Displaying 1 – 10 of 17 results


Geoscience » Source Rock & Depositional Environment

Microbial Genomics for De-Risking Offshore Oil and Gas Exploration in Nova Scotia

April 2016 – March 2021

The purpose of this $6.5M project is to develop, validate and deploy different genomics-based bioassay tools for offshore prospecting on the Scotian Slope.

Geoscience » Source Rock & Depositional Environment

Predictive Modelling of Sandstone Reservoir Quality in the Scotian Basin

May 2016 – December 2018

This project uses existing knowledge of inferred drainage basin areas and paleoclimate to model multiple river inputs to the Scotian Basin. The modelled sedimentary succession is compared with actual sediment thicknesses in the basin.

Geoscience » Source Rock & Depositional Environment

Sydney Basin and Nova Scotia Forensic Geochemistry

May 2016 – March 2017

Sydney Basin and Nova Scotia Forensic Geochemistry

Environmental Effects Monitoring Project

January 2016 – January 2017

FORCE developed an Environmental Effects Monitoring Program (EEMP) to study five major subject areas: fish, marine mammals, lobster, marine noise and seabirds. The EEMP was designed to be adaptive in nature.

Funding and Financial Supports for Tidal Energy Development in Nova Scotia

June – September 2016

To help ensure Nova Scotia and Canada benefit from a sustainable marine renewable energy industry over the longer term, this study identifies the suite of applicable funding and financial support mechanisms used in different jurisdictions around the world, recommends a combination that may be sui

MRE Infrastructure Assessment Update

May – August 2016

This project reviewed the results of a 2011 study to identify where significant changes in infrastructure demands have occurred.

Geoscience » Source Rock & Depositional Environment

Direct Hydrocarbon Indicator (DHI) Mapping, Offshore Nova Scotia

January – May 2016

This project reviewed existing seismic data to identify and catalogue Direct Hydrocarbon Indicators (DHIs) in offshore Nova Scotia, particularly in the Laurentian and Georges Bank Sub-basins.

Testing of Temporal Monitoring Techniques for Benthic Habitat Impacts of Tidal Energy Developments

September 2011 – November 2014

This project tested and developed monitoring procedures for assessing the impact of the placement of in-stream tidal devices (e.g. turbines, cables and other seafloor hardware) on the seafloor environment.

Implications of Tidal Energy Extraction on Sedimentary Processes within Shallow Intertidal Environments

September 2011 – April 2014

This project assessed the implications of tidal energy extraction on sedimentary processes within shallow inter-tidal ecosystems.

Community and Business Toolkit for Tidal Energy Development

November 2011 – March 2013

This toolkit covers the science, technology, business and community aspects of tidal energy development in Nova Scotia, effectively integrating the applied, natural and social sciences. It can serve as a model for future applied interdisciplinary work on tidal energy and marine renewables.