Research Portal

Displaying 1 – 7 of 7 results


Whale Tails & Other Stories

June 2019 – December 2020

The Marine Mammal Observer Program studied the potential interactions between marine animals and Sustainable Marine Energy Canada’s floating tidal power platform located in Grand Passage, NS.  The Program also evaluated the effectiveness of various tools and equipment to detect, locate, and class

Geoscience » Play Fairway Analyses Atlases 2010–Present

Greater North Atlantic Liassic Petroleum Systems Synthesis

October 2019 – February 2020

In the absence of definitive, direct evidence for a Liassic (i.e. Lower Jurassic) petroleum system offshore Nova Scotia, information is required on source rock analogs around the greater North Atlantic region.

Testing of 360-Degree Imaging Technologies for Improved Animal Detection around Tidal Energy Installations

May 2019 – February 2020

The research goal was to conduct a field study to test the performance of a new imaging camera system mounted on a floating tidal platform deployed in Grand Passage, Bay of Fundy.  Field testing featured testing of different camera mount locations on the platform in order to optimize field-of-vie

Multipurpose X-Band Marine Radar Network for the Minas Passage

January – November 2019

Marine X-band radar locates vessels and features, including coastlines and buoys.  It filters distracting signals (eg.

Geoscience » Georges Bank Research & Data

Georges Bank Research & Data

January 2019

Georges Bank is a large submarine bank (250km by 150km – 40,000 km2) located at the edge of the Atlantic continental shelf between Cape Cod and Nova Scotia.

Impacts of Tidal Energy Extraction on Sediment Dynamics in Minas Basin, Bay of Fundy

February 2010 – December 2012

Researchers developed a numerical hydrodynamic and sediment transport model for Minas Basin in the Bay of Fundy, focusing on the sediment dynamics of the tidal inlets and flats.

Effects of Energy Extraction on Sediment Dynamics in Intertidal Ecosystems of the Minas Basin

January 2010 – May 2012

This project assessed how the dynamics of sedimentation change when energy is extracted from a macro-tidal system. The differences in tidal prism and energy between neap and spring tidal cycles were used as a proxy for energy extraction by in-stream tidal power devices.