Research Portal

Displaying 1 – 10 of 11 results


Geoscience » Tectonics and Crustal Structure

Paleogeographic Reconstruction and Source Rock De-Risking, Offshore Nova Scotia

February – November 2020

In this project GeoArctic modeled the tectonic evolution of the northern Central Atlantic to re-evaluate the syn-rift and early post-rift geological context of sedimentary basin formation.

Geoscience » Spill Preparedness

Advanced Coastal Mapping to Support Hydrodynamic Modelling

April 2016 – June 2018

Nova Scotia’s Atlantic coast exhibits a variety of shorelines that may be vulnerable to contamination in the event of an offshore oil spill. In turn, variable currents, changing water levels, shoals, and exposed seaside conditions make effective spill response difficult for tidal inlets.

Tidal Turbine Marine Life Interaction Study: Fish

May 2016 – May 2017

This study at Dalhousie University’s Aquatron test tank monitored the behaviour of striped bass in the presence of an active tidal turbine.  The research drew on expertise and experience from different parts of Canada and Europe over a one year project period.

Use of Bottom-Mounted Hydro-Acoustic Sonar to Assess Fish Presence and Vertical Distribution at the FORCE In-Stream Tidal Turbine Test Site in Minas Passage

May 2016 – April 2017

To better understand fish use of the Fundy Ocean Research Center for Energy (FORCE) site and their potential for interaction with in-stream tidal devices, this study examined how fish density and vertical distribution varied with respect to environmental factors, in particular tidal stage and tim

Marine Fish Monitoring Program Tidal Energy Demonstration Site – Minas Passage

May 2016 – March 2017

This is the final report submitted to the Fundy Ocean Research Center on Energy (FORCE) for the Marine Fish Monitoring Program Tidal Energy Demonstration Site – Minas Passage.

Use of Fish Tracking Data to Model Striped Bass Turbine Encounter Probability in Minas Passage

September 2016

This project used fish tracking datasets and VEMCO detection-range tests to calculate fish-turbine encounter probabilities for striped bass.

Assessing Marine Mammal Presence in and near the FORCE Crown Lease Area during Winter and Early Spring

October 2013 – February 2015

This study closes the winter/spring baseline data gap via deployments of multiple, calibrated C-PODs and an icListenHF hydrophone, for the deepest sites at the FORCE Lease Area.

Tidal Energy: Strategic Environmental Assessment for the Cape Breton Coastal Region and Bras d’Or Lakes (Phase I) – Community Response Report

January 2014

This report describes and summarizes the outcomes of a stakeholder and community engagement program implemented as the second stage of the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) on Marine Renewable Energy (MRE) for the Cape Breton Coastal Region and the Bras d'Or Lakes.  It follows and compleme

Tidal Energy: Strategic Environmental Assessment – Bay of Fundy Update (Phase II)

January 2014

This is an update to the Phase 1 Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of marine renewable energy in the Bay of Fundy, with an emphasis on tidal in‐stream turbines.

Community Engagement Strategies & Resource Guide To Support Small-Scale Tidal Power in Nova Scotia

March – July 2013

Community engagement strategies and a resource guide for stakeholders involved in marine renewable energy will support the success of marine renewable energy development in Nova Scotia.