Research Portal

Displaying 1 – 9 of 9 results


Geoscience » Source Rock & Depositional Environment

Predictive Modelling of Sandstone Reservoir Quality in the Scotian Basin

May 2016 – December 2018

This project uses existing knowledge of inferred drainage basin areas and paleoclimate to model multiple river inputs to the Scotian Basin. The modelled sedimentary succession is compared with actual sediment thicknesses in the basin.

Geoscience » Spill Preparedness

Advanced Coastal Mapping to Support Hydrodynamic Modelling

April 2016 – June 2018

Nova Scotia’s Atlantic coast exhibits a variety of shorelines that may be vulnerable to contamination in the event of an offshore oil spill. In turn, variable currents, changing water levels, shoals, and exposed seaside conditions make effective spill response difficult for tidal inlets.

Geoscience » Seismic & Marine Sound

Establishment of Baseline Biological Data on Snow Crab (Chionoecetes opilio) Offshore Cape Breton for Future Assessment of Potential Impacts of Seismic Noise on Snow Crab

April 2012 – February 2015

The study investigates the impact of sound energy generated by acoustic/seismic arrays on snow crabs.

Seasonal Erodibility of Sediment in the Upper Bay of Fundy

February 2012 – January 2015

This project developed methods for studying sedimentation to the macro-tidal flats of the upper Bay of Fundy. The researchers looked at seasonal variation in the erodibility of sediments in tidal creeks and flats using a Gust Erosion Chamber and repeated grain size surveys.

3-D Acoustic Tracking of Fish, Sediment-Laden Ice and Large Wood Debris in the Minas Passage of the Bay of Fundy

October 2009 – December 2011

Researchers used VEMCO animal tracking technology to complete in-situ testing of the path, depth and velocity of fish and objects passing through the Minas Passage.

Geoscience » Seismic & Marine Sound

Physics of the Interaction between a Crab and a Seismic Test Pulse – Development of a Mathematical Model and Testing of Model via Simulation

June 2009 – September 2011

Experimental attempts to establish whether seismic testing has any impact on crabs and the crab fishery have been hampered by a lack of theoretical work on the subject.

Assessment of the Potential of Tidal Power from Minas Passage and Minas Basin

October 2009 – September 2011

This project estimated the power potential of the tides and tidal currents in the Minas Basin and Minas Channel regions of the Bay of Fundy.

Geoscience » Source Rock & Depositional Environment

Development of Marginal Fields in Offshore Nova Scotia – Phase 1 & 2

June 2009 – June 2010

The reduction in cost of a marginal development is largely attributed to the potential reduction in size of the offshore installation. These types of installations are referred to as ‘minimal platforms’.

Mi’kmaq Ecological Knowledge Study (Phase 1)

August 2009

A Mi’kmaq Ecological Knowledge Study (MEKS) was conducted by Membertou Geomatics Consultants on the Minas Channel area of the Bay of Fundy. This is a comprehensive body of knowledge documenting the collective ecological knowledge held by the Mi’kmaq people.