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Geoscience » Source Rock & Depositional Environment

Identifying and Constraining favourable paleoenvironments for the deposition of an Upper Jr SR using geochemical proxies (part of the PAGEO research program)

January 2021 – June 2023

This work will determine the paleoenvironmental conditions under which potential Upper Jurassic source rock intervals were deposited in offshore Nova Scotia.

Geoscience » Source Rock & Depositional Environment

Application of a source-to-sink sediment model to a petroleum systems analysis from field studies and numerical modeling (part of the PAGEO research program)

January 2021 – March 2023

This project will test the application of a source to sink analysis to the prediction of petroleum system elements in the Scotia Basin.

Geoscience » Source Rock & Depositional Environment

Mid Cretaceous Sand Supply to Offshore SW Nova Scotia: Tectonic Diversion of Labrador Rivers during Naskapi Member Deposition

September 2015 – September 2017

This study tests the hypothesis that tectonic diversion of Labrador rivers during the Aptian resulted in sand supply through the Bay of Fundy to the Shelburne sub-basin, allowing shales to accumulate farther east in the Scotian Basin.

Geoscience » Source Rock & Depositional Environment

Source Rock and Geochemistry of the Central Atlantic Margins

September 2014 – August 2017

This project evaluates known, probable and possible source rocks in the Nova Scotia shelf and deep water offshore areas with an emphasis On the Triassic– Jurassic time interval.

Geoscience » Source Rock & Depositional Environment

Sydney Basin and Nova Scotia Forensic Geochemistry

May 2016 – March 2017

Sydney Basin and Nova Scotia Forensic Geochemistry

Geoscience » Seismic & Marine Sound

Establishment of Baseline Biological Data on Snow Crab (Chionoecetes opilio) Offshore Cape Breton for Future Assessment of Potential Impacts of Seismic Noise on Snow Crab

April 2012 – February 2015

The study investigates the impact of sound energy generated by acoustic/seismic arrays on snow crabs.

Seasonal Erodibility of Sediment in the Upper Bay of Fundy

February 2012 – January 2015

This project developed methods for studying sedimentation to the macro-tidal flats of the upper Bay of Fundy. The researchers looked at seasonal variation in the erodibility of sediments in tidal creeks and flats using a Gust Erosion Chamber and repeated grain size surveys.

Impacts of Tidal Energy Extraction on Sediment Dynamics in Minas Basin, Bay of Fundy

February 2010 – December 2012

Researchers developed a numerical hydrodynamic and sediment transport model for Minas Basin in the Bay of Fundy, focusing on the sediment dynamics of the tidal inlets and flats.

Effects of Energy Extraction on Sediment Dynamics in Intertidal Ecosystems of the Minas Basin

January 2010 – May 2012

This project assessed how the dynamics of sedimentation change when energy is extracted from a macro-tidal system. The differences in tidal prism and energy between neap and spring tidal cycles were used as a proxy for energy extraction by in-stream tidal power devices.

Geoscience » Source Rock & Depositional Environment

River Sources & Sand Transfer to the Deepwater Lower Cretaceous Scotian Basin

August 2007 – August 2010

This project aims to define the distribution systems for sand and help industry explorers refine their exploration targets and better understand the quality of underground petroleum reservoirs.